Stáli is the pride of our breeding, as he is one of the highest judged stallions in the world. His father is the Landsmót winner, Galsi frá Sauðárkróki, and his mother is Jónína frá Hala. Stáli was shown at Landsmót in Vindheimamelar in 2006, and placed first in the group of stallions 7 years or older. He scored a total of 8.76, setting a world record at that time. For conformation he scored 8.26, and 9.09 for rideability, including 9.5 for pace, spirit and general impression.
Stáli´s story is somewhat interesting. When he was very young, his leg was injured, which affected all aspects of his training. He was not the most beautiful nor did he show the best movements. However, since he had high ranking parents, he was always one of the favorites, and it was never an option to make him a gelding. Helgi always had a good feeling that Stáli was something special.
When he was four years old, Stáli started his training with Daníel Jónsson. After 17 days of training, Stáli was able to be ridden and it was very clear that he was special and different from the other horses. Daníel and Stáli took a Christmas break, but when he began his training again, Stáli started to limp. Later, we found that he had an injured tendon and splint bone. Most likely, this happened during his young years before he started training.
Training was halted that winter, and began again in the fall. When his training load began to be increased, he started to limp again. He took another few weeks of rest, and upon beginning again, was trained very lightly. That spring he was shown at a breeding show. Even though he had only had light training, he still received a total of 8.11, including 9.0 for tölt and spirit. We did not show him with pace in this show.
In his sixth and seventh year, we kept trying to train him, but the limping always returned. When he turned 8 years old, Stáli was only trained in walk during the winter. In the spring, he was trained in pace only twice before being shown at Gaddstaðaflatir in 2006. There, he received a total score of 8.57, including 9.0 for tölt, pace, spirit and general impression. Because of this high score, he qualified for Landsmót in Vindheimamelar that same year.
Again Stáli was trained only in walk until he competed in Landsmót at Vindheimalar. Stáli had a very good day when the breeding show took place and won the category of 7 year and older stallions. He set the world record with a total score 8.76. At this point in time, Stáli had only been put to pace seven times in his whole life. His radiance and power captivated the audience. Stáli came, showed himself, and conquered.
Daníel Jónsson is the only trainer who has ridden Stáli in the breeding shows and various other shows. Throughout the years Helgi, his owner, trained him and cared for him with the help of the veterinarians, Páll Stefánsson and Susanne Braun.
After winning Landsmót in 2006, Stáli became very popular as a breeding stallion. To keep up with the demand, Stáli´s mares were artificially inseminated under the supervision of his veterinarian, Páll Stefánsson. This yielded very good results with many mares impregnated. Stáli has always been very fertile and still is. He has over 800 offsprings.
In 2011, Stáli received first prize for offsprings at Landsmót in Vindheimamalar.
Árið 2011 hlaut Stáli 1. verðlaun fyrir afkvæmi á Landsmóti á Vindheimamelum.
In 2014, Stáli received the Honor Prize for offsprings at Landsmót in Gaddstaðaflatir. The judges final statement:
„Stáli gefur þurrbyggð og fínleg hross. Flest eru þau alhliðagengir gæðingar með góðu tölti, mikilli framhugsun og frábærri skeiðgetu. Stáli hlýtur heiðursverðlaun fyrir afkvæmi og annað sætið.“
When this was written in March 2020, Stáli is 22 years old. He is in the stable, fat, happy, and healthy. When the spring comes, he will be out in the field with a few mares, which both Stáli and Helgi are glad to welcome.