Samba frá Kjarri


Samba is a first price mare after the honour price stallion Stáli frá Kjarri (8.76). Her mother is the first price mare Engilráð frá Kjarri who received a total score of 8.10.
Samba herself is judged with 8.07 in total.
Currently Samba is in foal with the beautiful pinto stallion Ljósálfur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum (8.41 as a fourgaiter). Ljósálfur is sired by Lord frá Vatnsleysu and the legendary breeding mare Álfadis frá Selfossi. The foal can be included when buying Samba.

Conformation: 8.04, Ridden abilities: 8.09

Total: 8.07

F: Stáli frá Kjarri (8.76 – honour prize)
M: Engilráð frá Kjarri (8.10)
